[윤희영의 News English] 日다이소·美달러숍, 초저가 판매 이윤 어디서 남길까?
Where does Daiso of Japan and Dollar Store of the U.S. make a profit from?
엊그제 세상을 떠난 일본 초저가 유통업체 다이소의 창업자 야노 히로타케(80)씨는 “99엔짜리 들여와 100엔에 팔면 1엔이 남는다”는 발상에 사업을 시작했다. 도산한 기업의 재고 상품을 헐값에 사들여 싸게 팔다가 일일이 가격표 붙일 시간이 없어 100엔 균일가로 판매한 것이 사업 모델이 됐다. 미국판 ‘다이소’로는 ‘Dollar General’ ‘99 Cents Only Stores’ 등이 있는데, 이들을 흔히 dollar store라고 부른다. 1달러 염가 판매점이라는 뜻이다. 사진 액자부터 임신 테스트기까지 모든 상품을 단돈 1달러에 판다. 그렇다면 도대체 어디서 이문을 남기고 챙기는 걸까. 미국 리더스 다이제스트가 그들의 비밀 전략을 알아봤다.
Hirotake Yano, who is the founder of DAISO, a Japanese ultra-low-price retail shop, who passed away a couple of days ago. He began his business based on the idea of “1 yen will remain, if I buy any products a 99yen and sell it for 100yen.” While he purchased stock products from bankrupt companies at a low price and sell it, he realized the lack of time for putting a price tag, so that he started to sell products for 100yen at a flat price. Consequently, it became one unique business model. As the U.S. version of DAISO, ‘Dollar General’, ’99 Cents Only Stores’ are now in business, and these are commonly called dollar store, which means stores with cheap price. Everything from picture frame to pregnancy test kits are sold for just 1 dollar. If so, how on earth they make a profit and take gains? Reader’s Digest, the U.S. media, uncovered their secret strategies.
대량으로 구입해 쪼개 판다. 엄청난 양을 할인 가격으로 매입해 개별 제품으로 만든 뒤 이윤을 붙여 되판다. 파산 기업 청산 매물로 나온 제품, 폐업한 유통 체인에서 싸게 구입한 상품·재고품은 그중에서도 좋은 먹거리다. 가격 책정에서 이윤을 극대화한다. 매입 원가 25~33센트 이상인 물건은 취급하지 않는다. 50센트 넘는 것은 이윤 폭이 적다고 아예 거들떠보지도 않는다. 그러고는 꼭 1달러에 파는 것도 아니다. 어떤 것은 2달러, 심지어 3~7달러에 팔아 ‘달러 스토어’ 이름을 무색하게 한다. 식료품의 경우, 유통기한이 다 된 것들을 헐값에 사들여 일반 소매 가격보다 훨씬 싸게 판다. 그렇다고 상하거나 인체에 위험한 하자가 있는 것은 아니어서 문제될 것은 없다.
Buying in bulk and sell in chunk. They purchased millions of those bulk items at a discounted price, transformed them into individual products and then resell them with a profit. Liquidated items for sale in the liquidation of bankrupt companies and cheaply acquired goods and inventory from distribution chains that have gone out of business are the best. They maximized profits in pricing. They don’t consider the products of more than 25-33 cent as their products, and also don’t give over 50 cent products a second glance, because it lacks the profit margin. All the while, they don’t sell products for only 1 dollar. Some stuffs are sold 2 dollars, or even 3-7 dollars, so the name of ‘dollar store’ makes us feel nonsense. In case of groceries, they buy things be close to expiration date at a giveaway price and sell those at a much lower price than the regular retail price. However, there is no problem with it, because it isn’t spoiled and pose risks to human health.
소비자를 싼 가격으로 매장에 끌어들여 충동구매를 유도한다. 상표 부착, 물품 관리 등 운영 과정을 표준화해 인력 비용을 줄이고 광고비를 없애는 한편, 박리다매로 수익을 극대화한다. 게다가 구멍가게·할인점·수퍼마켓·백화점을 합친 분위기로 소비자의 소득 계층이나 연령대도 국한되지 않는 이점도 누린다. 소비자 입장에선 한 가지 황금률을 기억하라고 한다. “1000원이 큰돈은 아닐지언정 무작정 사놓고 쓰지 않는다면 그 물건은 1000원 값어치도 못 하는 것이다.”
They attract customers to stores with low prices and encourages impulse purchases. As standardizing operating processes such as labeling and product management to reduce staffing costs and eliminate advertising expenses, while maximizing profits through high-volume sales at a low unit profit margin. Additionally, with an atmosphere that combines corner shops, discount stores, supermarkets and department stores, consumers enjoy the advantage of not being restricted by income or age group. For the consumers, there are one golden rule that they should keep in mind. “1,000 won may not be a big deal, but if you buy it without consideration and not use it, it’s not even worth 1,000 won.”
[영문 참조자료 사이트]
☞ https://www.rd.com/list/why-dollar-stores-are-so-cheap/?_cmp=readuprdus&_ebid=readuprdus442023&_mid=592280&ehid=a18d22eb68950e7ad262b00aa03c2e0459c6e8ac&_PermHash=88e7e4ee5a3ac4eee0bf85dbb855499933bb07805e3d2ffeeec3105db5377d82&tohMagStatus=NONE
☞ https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/secret-that-dollar-store-prices-so-low/
☞ https://www.retaildogma.com/dollar-store/
☞ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlfW5AJOPV0
(ultra-low-price retailer)
(purchase stock products from bankrupt companies at a low price)
(at a flat price)
(sell it for 100yen)
(make a profit and take gains)
(uncover their secret strategies)
(buying in bulk and sell in chunk)
(transform them into individual products)
(liquidated items)
(go out of business)
(cheaply acquired goods and inventory)
(maximize profits in pricing)
(profit margin)
(be close to expiration date)
(buy at a giveaway price)
(be spoiled)
(pose risks to human health)
(encourage impulse purchases)
(staffing costs)
(advertising expenses)
(maximize profits through high-volume sales at a low unit profit margin)
(corner shop)
(discount store)
(golden rule)
(be restricted by income or age group)
Store vs shop
street vs venue vs road
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