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[240216] 시간이 사랑을 도와준 애틋한 사연

[어른들을 위한 동화 English]시간이 사랑을 도와준 애틋한 사연

One story that the time supports loving.



행복, 슬픔, 지식, 시간, 부유, 허영, 사랑이 모여 사는 섬이 있었다. 어느 , 섬이 가라앉는다는 소식이 전해지자사랑 제외하고 모두 보트를 만들어 섬을 떠나기 시작했다.’ 사랑 홀로 남았다. 마지막 가능한 순간까지 버티고 싶었다. 하지만 섬이 거의 물에 잠기게 되자 도움을 요청했다.

Once upon a time, there was an island where the happiness, sadness, knowledge, time, richness, vanity, and love were living together. One day, as they were told the island would sink soon, all began to leave the island as building each boat only except for the ‘love’. Love remained alone. Until the last possible moment, she desired to hold out. However, when the island was nearly submerged under the water, she started to ask for help.



바로 앞에 있던부유에게 부탁했더니 보트엔 금과 은이 가득 차있어서 자리가 없어라며 거절했다. 배를 타고 옆을 지나가는허영에게 도와달라고 했다. ‘허영너의 물에 젖은 옷이 배를 더럽힐 있어서 라며 잘라 거절했다. 이번엔슬픔에게너랑 함께 있게 해달라 애원했다. 하지만지금 너무 슬퍼서 혼자 있고 싶어라는 대답이 돌아왔다. ’행복 저만치 앞에 있었다. “ 태워줘라고 애타게 불렀지만, 듣지 못했다.

When she pleaded to ‘rich’, right in front of it, the rich refused as saying “My boat is full of gold and silver, so there are no remaining seats.” She asked to ‘vanity’, who was passing by in a beautiful vessel, but the vanity flatly refused, saying “I can’t help you because your wet clothes could make my boat dirty.” Next, love clung and begged to ‘sadness’, saying “let me go with you.” However, the reply came like “I want to be by myself, because I’m so sad.” The ‘happiness’ was far ahead. Love called it anxiously, saying “Please let me join in your boat,” but it couldn’t listen to.



그때 갑자기 어느 목소리가 들려왔다. “사랑, 내가 너를 데리고 갈게.” ‘사랑 너무 기쁜 나머지 누구의 목소리인지, 어디로 가는 건지 묻는 것도 까먹고 그의 보트에 올라탔다. 목소리 주인공은사랑 내려주고는 자기 길을 가버렸다. 뒤늦게사랑 곁에 있던지식에게 자기를 도와준 이가 누구냐고 물었다. 그러자지식도와준 이는시간이었다 대답해줬다.” ’시간 나를 도와준거지?”라고 사랑이 되묻자지식 빙그레 웃으며 말했다.

At that moment, suddenly, a voice flitted through her ears. “Hey Love, I’ll take you.” “Love was so overjoyed that she forgot to ask whose voice was and where we go, and just got on the one’s boat. The owner of voice dropped off her and went its own way. Belatedly, she asked to the ‘knowledge’ who was next from her that which one helped me. Then, ‘knowledge’ answered that “it was ‘time’ who helped you.” Love asked back “why ‘time’ help me?”, then ‘knowledge’ smiled and said,




왜냐하면 시간만이 사랑이 얼마나 소중한지 이해할 있거든

“Because only time is capable of understanding how valuable love is.”




 사랑의 진정한 의미와 깊이는 시간이 지나야 비로소 온전히 드러난다.

The true significance and depth of love become fully apparent over time.





(flatly refuse)

(cling to it and beg)

(call it anxiously)