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[240201] 새해 결심 운동 효과 언제쯤 나타날까

[윤희영의 News English] 새해 결심 운동 효과 언제쯤 나타날까

When on earth New Year’s resolution of exercise will take an effect on me?



새해 결심 가장 흔한 것이 헬스장 다니겠다거나 달리기·수영·자전거 타기 유산소운동 하겠다는 거다. 그런데 달은커녕 고작 한두 주도 지나지 않아 시들해지기 십상이다. 며칠 몸살 정도로 열심히 했건만, 별다른 효과를 느끼지 못하다 보니 의기소침해지는 탓이다. 그런데 유산소운동이든, 근력 운동이든, 효과가 나타나려면 일정 기간이 지나야 한다고 한다. 인내심을 갖고 기다려야 하는데, 과도기를 참지 못해 섣불리 자포자기하고 작년 습관으로 되돌아가 버린다. 불과 며칠 서너시간 운동해 놓고는 의기양양해서 거울에 비치는 모습이 바뀌어 있기를 기대해서는 된다.

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is hitting the gym or doing aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, and biking. However, these solutions are likely to fade away in just a week or two, and a month is of course ridiculous. Even though I try so hard that I felt achy all over my body, I was cast down because I couldn’t feel any results from it. Whether it is aerobic exercise or strength/weight training, it is said that a certain period of time must pass for the effect to appear. You have to be patient and wait, but can’t endure the transition period and hastily surrender yourself to despair and fall back in to your habits from last year. You shouldn’t get giddy and expect your reflection in the mirror to change after working out for three or four hours for just a few days.



유산소운동의 경우, 사용 근육이 반복적으로 확장·축소하면서 증가된 수요를 충당하느라 많은 산소를 필요로 하게 된다. 따라서 다른 신체 장기의 혈류를 해당 근육으로 돌리면서 신진대사를 높이게 된다. 결과, 혈액순환을 증가시키고, 체내 염증을 감소시키면서 관절운동과 기능도 돕는다. 하지만, 당장 체중이 줄거나 날씬해지는 아니다. 유산소운동은 매일 30~40 경우, 2 정도 지나야 효과가 나타난다고 한다. 그것도 체중 감량 효과는 서서히 줄어들다가 정체 상태에 이르게 된다. 근력 운동 효과는 인내심이 필요하다. 하루 30 기준으로 5~6주는 돼야 근육 조직이 팽팽해지고 탄탄해지면서 올라오기 시작한다. 하체에선 허벅지와 종아리부터 느낌이 온다. 지속적으로 운동하면 달에 250g~1㎏씩 근육을 늘려갈 있다고 한다.

In case of aerobic exercise, as the muscles repeatedly expand and contract, it requires more oxygen to keep up with the increased demand. Thus, as it diverts blood flow from other organs to the affected muscles, it enhances your metabolism. As a result, blood circulation is increased and inflammation is decreased, so that it helps joint movements and the function of the lungs. However, it doesn’t mean that you lose weight right away and get slim. Aerobic exercise needs 30-40 minutes in everyday for 2 weeks to feel the effect. The weight loss effect slows down and eventually plateau. The effect of strength exercise needs more patience. It takes 5 to 6 weeks, based on 30 minutes a day, for the musculature to become tense and toned and begin to rise. In the lower body, the feeling comes from the thigh and calves. It is said that if you exercise consistently, you can bulk up muscles by about 250g to 1kg per month.



매년 이맘때 코너에 인용하는 말이 있다. 새해 결심은 S.M.A.R.T하게 하라는 것이다. Specific(구체적)이고, Measurable(측정 가능)하며, Achievable(성취 가능)하고, Realistic(현실적) 것을 Time-based(시간 단위) 목표로 잡으라는 얘기다. “success(성공) work(노력)보다 앞서 나오는 곳은 영어 사전밖에 없다 한다.

There is a quote in this series every year around this time. My New Year's resolution must act like S.M.A.R.T. This means setting a Time-based goal that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Realistic. It is said that “the only place where success comes before work is in the English dictionary.”





(hit the gym)

(be likely to fade away)

(feel achy all over your body)

(be cast down)

(aerobic exercise)

(strength/weight training)

(endure the transition period)

(hastily surrender yourself to despair)

(fall back into your habits from last year)

(get giddy)

(your reflection in the mirror)

(repeatedly expand and contract)

(keep up with the increased demand)

(divert blood flow from other organs to the affected muscles)

(enhance your metabolism)

(increase blood circulation)

(decrease inflammation)

(help joint movements and the function of the lungs)

(lose weight right away)

(slow down and eventually plateau)


(become tense and toned)

(thigh) (calf)

(bulk up muscles)


참고할 구절

New Year’s resolutions have a bad reputation, at least in part, because people tend to grade themselves pass or fail when, in reality, they’ve made key improvements in various areas of their lives by mostly sticking to a resolution, experts say.


One reason New Year’s resolutions work for some people is that resolutions are a prime example of a psychological phenomenon known as the fresh start effect — a date on the calendar that gives people a sense of a new beginning and motivates them to make a positive change.


If your New Year’s resolution is going to involve a lot of sweating, make the plan while you are exercising.”


New Year’s resolutions are not doomed to fail, and many people achieve at least some of their goals. The key, experts say, is making a plan that maximizes your odds of success.