한국 축구, 중국에 지면 안 되는 이유
Why the Korean national football team should not lose to China.
한국과 중국 축구 국가대표팀 최초 대결은 1978년 12월 태국 방콕 아시안게임에서 벌어졌다. 한국 대표팀의 1대0 승리. 당시 골을 넣은선수는 차범근이었다.
The very first match between South Korean and Chinese national football teams took place at the Asian Games in Bangkok, Thailand in December 1978. (지역, 날짜) South Korean national team won the game 1-0. BoomBoom Cha scored the goal.
이후 양국 축구 대표팀은 그저께 중국에서 열린 2026 FIFA 북중미 월드컵 아시아지역 2차예선 조별리그 C조 2차전을 포함해 37차례 대결을 펼쳤고한국이 22승 13무 2패로 압도적 우세를 보여왔다.
Since then, the two countries national team have played against each other 37th times including the second match of Group C for the 2026 FIFA North and Central America World Cup Asian Region second qualifying round held in China the day before yesterday, and South Korea national team has been overwhelmingly dominant with 22 wins, 13 draws, and 2 losses.
이 과정에서 생겨난 말이 ‘공한증(恐韓症)’이다. 말 그대로 ‘한국을 두려워하는 증상’이라는 뜻으로, 한국 공포증이라는 의미에서 영어로는 ‘Koreaphobia’로 표현한다. 이 단어는 애초 중국 언론에 의해 만들어졌고, 한국 언론은 나중에 쓰기 시작했다.
In this context, the word ‘Konghanzhen’ came out. It literally means a symptom of fearing Korea or ‘Koreaphobia’ in English. This word was coined by the Chinese mass media at first, and Korean mass media followed it.
지난 45년간 중국 대표팀이 한국팀을 이긴 건 딱 두 차례 있었다. 2010년 2월 일본에서 열린 동아시아 축구선수권대회에서 3대0, 2017년 3월 중국 창사에서 벌어진 2018 러시아 월드컵 최종예선 6차전 경기에서 1대0으로 승리해본 것이 전부다. 2010년 경기를 앞두고 중국 축구협회는 “공한증은 능력 차이에서 비롯된 것이지만, 그 차이가 많이 좁혀지고 있다”며 “정신력만 강화되면 공한증을 극복할 수 있을 것”이라고 했었다.
Over the past 45 years, the Chinese national team beat(beat-beaten) the Korean team only twice, which were 3-0 at the East Asian Football Championship held in Japan in February 2010 and 1-0 in the 6th round of the final qualifying round for the 2018 Russia World Cup held in Changsha, China in March 2017. Facing the match in 2010, the Chinese football association said, “Koreaphobia stems from the differences in ability, but the gap has become much narrower,” adding, “If only players’ mentality is enhanced, we will be able to overcome it.”
당시 중국 축구협회는 선수들의 심리적 압박감과 패배주의에 대응하기 위해 대표팀에 심리치료사들을 투입하겠다는 궁여지책까지 발표했다. 그 덕분인지 중국 대표팀은 사상 처음으로 한국팀에 승리를 거뒀고, 3대0이라는 큰 스코어 차이에 도취해 “이제 더 이상 공한증은 없다”며 의기양양했었다.
At that time, the Chinese football association even announced a last resort to deploy psychotherapists to the national team to deal with defeatism and psychological pressure of the players. Perhaps thanks to this, the Chinese national team defeated the Korean team for the first time in history, with intoxicated by the large score difference 3-0, so that they were triumphant, saying, “There is no Koreaphobia anymore.”
그리고 비록 7년 뒤이기는 하지만, 2018년 러시아 월드컵 최종예선 6차전은 한국 대표팀을 상대로 한 사상 첫 공식 FIFA 경기 승리였다는 점에서 중국 대륙이 들썩일 정도로 흥분했다. 그러나 이후 다섯 차례 대결에선 2대2, 0대2, 0대1, 0대3, 0대3으로 1무 4패를 당해 오히려 공한증이 더 심해지며 절망감에 빠져들었다.
Also, although it was 7 years later, the 6th match of the 2018 Russia World Cup final qualifying match made the whole Chinese continent thrilled because it was the first ever winning game in the history against South Korean national team officially hosted by FIFA. However, in the next five games, they suffered 1 draw and 4 losses with scores of 2-2, 2-0, 0-1, and 0-3, which made Koreaphobia much worse and sank(sank-sunk) into despair.
중국에서 비즈니스를 하는 한국인 사업가들은 우리 선수들에게 “중국팀은 꼭 이겨달라”고 간곡히 부탁한다. “얼마 전부터 한국을 우습게 여기며 거만하게 구는 중국인들도 축구 얘기만 나오면 기가 팍 죽으면서 태도가 정중해지거든요.”
Korean businessmen in China earnestly ask our national players to “Please win the Chinese team.” “For some time past, even Chinese who look down on Korea and give themselves arrogant airs have their tails between their legs and become polite, when the football stories are out.”
Why should the Korean national football team not lose to China?
The very first match between the South Korean and Chinese national football team took place at the Asian Games in Bangkok, Thailand in December, 1978. (지역, 날짜) The South Korean national team won the game 1-0. BoomBoom BumKun Cha scored the goal.
Since then, the two countries’ national teams have played against each other 37th times including the second match of Group C for the 2026 FIFA North and Central America World Cup Asian region second qualifying round held in China the day before yesterday, This includes the second match of Group C in the Asian region's second qualifying round for the 2026 FIFA World Cup, held in China the day before yesterday. and the South Korean national team has been overwhelmingly dominant with 22 wins, 13 draws, and 2 losses.
In this context, the word ‘Konghanzhen’ came out emerged or was coined. It literally means symptom of fearing of Korea or ‘Koreaphobia’ in English. This word term was coined by the Chinese mass media at first, and Korean mass media followed it.was later adopted by the Korean mass media.
Over the past 45 years, Chinese national team beat(beat-beaten) has beaten the Korean team only twice, which were a 3-0 at the East Asian Football Championship held in Japan in February 2010 and a 1-0 in the 6th round of the final qualifying round for the 2018 Russia World Cup held in Changsha, China in March 2017. These victories were a 3-0 win at the East Asian Football Championship held in Japan in February 2010, and a 1-0 win in the 6th round of the final qualifying round for the 2018 Russia World Cup held in Changsha, China, in March 2017. Facing the match in 2010, Chinese football association said, “Koreaphobia stems from the differences in ability, but the gap has become much narrower,” adding, “If only players’ mentality is enhanced, we will be able to overcome it.”
At that time, Chinese football association even announced a last resort to deploy psychotherapists to the national team to deal with defeatism and psychological pressure of the players. Perhaps thanks to this measure, the Chinese national team defeated the Korean team for the first time in history, with intoxicated by the large score difference 3-0 , so that they were triumphant, saying, “There is no Koreaphobia anymore.”Elated by the significant score difference of 3-0, they proudly declared, 'There is no Koreaphobia anymore.'
Also, although it was 7 years later, the 6th match of the 2018 Russia World Cup final qualifying match thrilled made the whole Chinese continent thrilled, because it was the first ever winning game in the history against South Korean national team officially hosted by FIFA. However, in the next five games, they suffered 1 draw and 4 losses with scores of 2-2, 2-0, 0-1, 0-3, which worsened made Koreaphobia much worse and sank(sank-sunk) into despair. plunged them into deeper despair.
Also, although it was 7 years later, the 6th match of the final qualifiers for the 2018 Russia World Cup was tremendously exciting for the Chinese mainland, as it marked their first ever official FIFA match victory against the South Korean national team. However, in the subsequent five encounters, they suffered one draw and four losses with scores of 2-2, 0-2, 0-1, 0-3, and 0-3, respectively, which only worsened the Koreaphobia and plunged them into deeper despair."
Korean businessmen in China earnestly ask our national players to “Please win defeat Chinese team.” “For some time past , even Chinese who look looked down on Korea and give gave themselves arrogant airs have their tails between their legs and become polite, when the football stories are out.”
Since some time ago, Chinese who belittled Korea and acted arrogantly also lose their spirit and become polite when it comes to football stories.
(the very first match)
(take place)
(score the goal)
(play against each other)
(be overwhelmingly dominant with 22 wins, 13 draws, and 2 losses)
(symptom of fearing Korea)
(be coined by the Chinese mass media)
(beat the Korean team only twice)
(stem from the differences in ability)
(become much narrower)
(be enhanced)
(last resort to deploy psychotherapists to the national team)
(defeat the Korean team for the first time in history)
(be intoxicated by the large score difference)
(be triumphant)
(sink into despair)
(Earnestly ask)
(look down on Korea)
(give themselves airs)
(have their tails between their legs)
(become polite)
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