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  • Keep it up & Just do it
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Maverick TOP GUN

by pensee 2024. 3. 23.

Talk to me, Goose.

Captain Mitchel! 

You're where you belong.

Make us Proud.


Sir, I just want to say.....

We will talk, when we get back.

Hey, Bradley! Bradely! Hey!

You Got This.


It's been an honour captain.


Dagger One, Up and Ready.


Support assets airborne.

Strike package ready.

Standing by for launch decision.

Send them.


I saved your life, that's the whole point.

What the hell were you even thinking?

You told me not to think!

Well... it's good to see you.


Museum piece on the air.


An F-14 Against fifth-gen fighters?

It's not the plane, it's the pilot.

You'd go after'em if I wasn't here.

But you are here.

Come on Mav

Don't think, just do.



It contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft.

I'm assuming you know the book inside and out.

Dam right.

So does your enemy.

But what the enemy doesn't know is your limits.

I intent to find them, test them, push beyond.

Today, we'll start with what you only think you know.

You show me what you're made of.


Why'd you pull my papers at the Academy?

Why did you stand in my way?

You weren't ready.

Ready for what?

Huh? Ready to fly like you?

No. ready to forget the book. Trust your instinct. Don't think, Just do.





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남자들의 땀과 보이지 않는 눈물, 집념, 사랑을 느낄 수 있었다.

9 out of 10

남은 1은 이야기의 확장성과 소설이기 때문이다. 하지만 그 하나의 빈공간이 좋았다.


좋은 영화였고 몇몇 씬은 다시보고 싶었다.

Thank you 탐크루즈