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[231109] 하루 1만보 걷기보다 더 좋다는 운동


[윤희영의 News English] 하루 1만보 걷기보다 좋다는 운동

A better exercise than walking 10,000 steps a day



건물 아래층에서 위층으로 걸어 올라가려면 대부분 층계를 거친다. 대략 10계단 안팎 줄을 올라가면 조금 넓고 평평한 부분이 나오고, 거기서 다시 줄을 올라가야 위층이 나온다. 계단 줄을 영어로는 flight라고 하고, 중간의 평평한 부분 층계참은 landing이라고 한다.

In order to walk(reach/move) from the lower floor to the upper floor, you usually have to take two flights of stairs. If you go up one line of about 10 stairs, you will come to a slightly wide and flat part, and from there you have to climb another line to reach the upper floor. This one line of stairs is called a flight, and the flat part of the landing in the middle is called a landing.

*To vs In order to:


하루에 1만보 걷는 것이 가장 좋은 건강 유지법으로 여겨지고 있다. 하지만, 여간해선 8(20) 이르는 1만보를 채우기가 쉽지 않고, 그럴만한 시간도 여의치 않다. 그런데 하루에 계단 다섯 줄만 올라가도 1만보 걷기 이상의 건강 효과를 얻을 있다는 연구 결과가 나와 눈길을 끈다. 층계 줄을 10계단으로 치면 하루에 50계단만 올라도오늘 운동 있다는 얘기다. 게다가 다섯 계단을 번에 허겁지겁 오르지 않고, 하루 중에 여러 차례 나눠 50계단 이상만 올라가도 운동 효과 같다고 한다.

Walking 10,000 steps a day is considered the best way of maintaining health. However, it is seldom(rare) easy to complete over 10,000 steps, which is about 8km(20ri), and we don’t have enough time to do so(due to time constraints). However, one research that people can gain more health benefits when climbing just five flights of steps a day draws attention. ( One research study draws attention by showing that climbing just five flights of stairs a day can offer significant health benefits.) If we count one line of stairs as 10 stairs(Assuming one flight contains 10 stairs), climbing only 50 stairs ends up “Ends workout.”( is equivalent to “ending a workout” ) In addition, even if you climb more than 50 stairs several times during the day rather than hastily climbing up five flights of stairs, the exercise effect is said to be same. (Climbing more than 50 stairs several times throughout the day, instead of quickly climbing five flights at once, is said to offer the same exercise benefits.)

국제 학술지 ‘Atherosclerosis(죽상 동맥경화)’ 보고서에 따르면, 영국인 45만명을 평균 12 6개월 관찰한 결과, 하루에 다섯 줄짜리 층계( 50 계단) 올라가도 심장마비·뇌졸중 위험을 현저히 낮추는 것으로 조사됐다. 줄넘기나 에어로빅처럼 고강도 운동이 짧은 시간 극적 효과로 심폐 능력을 향상시키는, 시간 대비 대단히 효율적인 방법이라는 것이다.

According to the report from international academic journal ‘Atherosclerosis’, after observing 450,000 British people for an average of 12 years and 6 months, climbing just 5 flights (approximately 50 stairs) a day significantly lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It has the same exercise effect as jump rope or high-intensity exercise, so it is said to be a time-efficient way to improve cardiorespiratory fitness.

특히 관상 동맥 질병, 뇌졸중과 함께 세계적으로 가장 많은 사망 원인이 되고 있는 동맥경화, 심장 혈관 질병 위험을 크게 낮춰준다. 하루에 층계 다섯 줄이 아니라 여섯 , 일곱 오르는 운동을 하면 어느 정도까지는 효과가 그만큼 늘어난다. 게다가 심혈관 가족 병력, 유전적 위험 인자, 고혈압 같은 기존 위험 요소, 흡연 이력, 피폐한 생활양식 습관을 가진 사람에게도 눈에 띄는 변화가 나타난다고 한다.


In particular, it significantly reduces the threat of cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis disease, which are the leading cause of death worldwide along with coronary artery disease and cerebral infraction. If you climb 6-7 flights, instead of 5 flights, you could get the close level of effect. (Climbing 6-7 flights of stairs, instead of 5, can offer a similar level of benefit.) In addition, it creates a noticeable change to the people who have genetic(existing) risk factor such as family history of cardiovascular disease and genetic risk factor, and devastated lifestyle habits such as smoking.


계단 오르기가 하루 1만보 걷기 이상으로 건강 증진에 도움이 된다는 연구 결과는 반향을 일으키고 있다. 계단은 여기저기 어디에나 있고, 많은 시간이나 들어갈 것도 없으니 누구에게도 부담이 없다. 더욱이 걷기 운동보다 칼로리를 연소하고, 폐와 근육을 튼튼하게 해주는 효과까지 있다 한다. 하루에 계단 다섯 오르기는 화장실을 위층이나 아래층으로 다녀오기만 해도 된다.

This research result that stair climbing is more helpful in improving their health condition than walking 10,000 steps a day is resonating. ( The results of this research are resonating, showing that stair climbing is more beneficial for improving health than walking 10,000 steps a day.) Stairs are everywhere( Stairs are readily accessible ), and a lot of time or money isn’t required, nobody feel burdened. (Since stair climbing requires neither a lot of time nor money, it is not burdensome for most people )Besides, it has even extra-effect such as burning twice the calories of walking, strengthening the lungs and muscles Climbing 5 flights of stairs a day is as simple as going upstairs or downstairs for the restroom.






[영문 참고자료 사이트]







Seldom/ rarely/ at rare intervals

(lower floor) (upper floor) (flight) (landing)

Flight, stairs, floor, one flight of stairs

Significantly lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

(high-intensity exercise) (jump rope)

(with dramatic effects in a short period of time) (time-efficient way to improve cardiorespiratory fitness)

cardiovascular disease 심혈관질병() /arteriosclerosis disease 동맥경화 /coronary artery disease 관상동맥질병 /cerebral infraction 뇌졸중(=stroke)

(the best way to maintain health) (climb just five flights of steps a day) (coronary artery disease)

(gain more health benefits) (hastily climb up at once) (exercise effect)

(leading cause of death worldwide) (family history of cardiovascular disease) (genetic risk factor)

(devastated lifestyle habits)

(burn twice the calories of walking) (stair climbing) (strengthen the lungs and muscles)