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[240109] 한국 라면 128국에 수출, ‘라면’의 어원은?

[윤희영의 News English] 한국 라면 128국에 수출, ‘라면 어원은?

Korean Ramen exported to 128 countries, what is the etymology of ‘Ramen’?



한국 라면이 해외에서 날개 돋친 팔리고 있다. 지난해 출시 60주년을 맞은 라면이 전례 없는 세계적 인기를 누리면서 연간 수출액이 전년 대비 24% 증가한 95200만달러를 기록했다. 원화로 환산하면 12500억원으로, 사상 처음 1조원을 넘어섰다. 라면 수출액은 해마다 폭으로 늘어나고 있다. 2015 21900만달러에서 2017 38100만달러로 3억달러를 넘어선 이듬해 41300만달러, 2020 6억달러대에 들어섰고, 2022 76500만달러, 지난해 9억달러를 돌파해 9 연속 최고 수출액 달성을 경신하고 있다. 수출 대상국은 128국에 이른다.

Korean Ramen is selling like hot cakes in the globe. As Korean ramen, which marked the 60th anniversary of its first release in the last year, enjoyed unprecedented global popularity, the annual export revenue of Korean ramen increased by 24% compared to the same period of last year, reaching $952 million. When it is converted into Korean won, it is about 1.25 trillion won, exceeding 1 trillion won for the first time in history. The exports have been increasing significantly every year. After exceeding $300 million from $219 million in 2015 to 2017, it reached $413 million the following year, entered the $600 million range in 2020, reached $765 million in 2022, and exceeded $9 million last year, which means South Korea achieved the highest export amount for 9 consecutive years. The total number of export destinations is 126 countries.



무역 통계에 따르면, 국내에서 수출한 외에 외국 공장에서 생산해 현지에 수량까지 포함할 경우, 해외 판매액은 2조원을 넘은 것으로 추산된다. 이처럼 한국 라면이 선풍적 인기를 얻은 이유로는 여러 가지가 꼽힌다. 그중에서도 한류의 광범위한 인기와 코로나19 팬데믹이 겹친 복합적 배경이 결정적 역할을 했다. K드라마 주인공과 K 가수들이 걸핏하면라면 먹고 갈래?” 하거나짜파구리’ ‘불닭볶음면먹고 입맛 다시는 보면서 한번 맛보고 싶다는 욕구를 일으킨 데다, 코로나19 탓에 집에서 식사 하는 일이 늘면서 다른 나라 라면에 비해 한국 라면의 맛과 품질이 뛰어나다는 사실을 새삼 알게 영향도 있다. 게다가 유난히 맛이 매운 독특한 풍미가 외국인들에겐 익숙하지 않아 오히려 입맛을 자극하는 의외의 효과를 냈다.

According to the trade statistics, the nation’s ramen sales in overseas markets, when it includes the ramen sales produced in overseas factories and sold locally, is estimated to exceed 2 trillion won. There are many reasons why Korean ramen gained sensational popularity. Among them, the complex background such as widespread popularity of Korean wave and Covid-19 pandemic played a decisive role. (These upbeat figures are largely being driven by the growing popularity of Korean TV dramas and movies, which have raised the profile of Korean ramen, as well as other Korean foods, globally.) As many audiences are watching that lots of stars in Korean Drama or K-pop band frequently say “Do you want to eat ramen?” and lick their lips after eating ‘Spicy Chicken noodle’ or ‘Ram-don’, they naturally had desire to try those Korean products. In addition, there are increasing numbers of staying at home eating due to the COVID-19, they realized that the quality and flavor of Korean ramen is actually exceptional. Furthermore, exceptionally spicy flavor and unique savor is of course unfamiliar to foreigners, which made an unexpected effect on stimulating their appetite.



라면 정확한 어원(exact etymology ) 알려져 있지 않다(be unknown). 중국에서 손으로 당겨 늘인 국수拉麵(라몐)’ 20세기 일본에서 그리 발음했다는 , 육류·달걀 등으로 만든 차지고 걸쭉한 국물(starchy and thick broth) 부은 국수鹵面(루몐)’에서 나왔다는 , 중국 광둥어로젓다(stir)’라는 뜻의 써서 소스와 국수를 함께 저어 만드는 국수撈麵(라오몐)’ 지칭한 데서 유래했다는 등이 있다. 라면 종주국으로 여기는 일본에서도 1950년대까지는중국 국수라는 뜻의시나소바(支那そば)’ ‘추카소바(中華そば)’라고 부르다 중국을 의미하는 支那와 中華에 대한 반감이 커지면서(gain disapproval) 그냥 일본어 발음メン(라멘)’으로 굳어졌다고 한다.

The exact etymology of ‘Ramen’ is unknown. There is a theory that '拉麵 (lamian)', a hand-stretched noodle from China, was pronounced that way in Japan in the early 20th century, from '鹵面 (lumian)', a noodle poured with starchy and thick broth made from meat and eggs. There is a theory that it came out, or that it originated from the Chinese Cantonese word '', which means 'stir', to refer to '撈麵(lao mian)', a noodle made by stirring sauce and noodles together. Even in Japan, which is considered the home of ramen, until the 1950s, it was called 'Shinasoba (支那そば)', meaning 'Chinese noodles', and 'Chukasoba (中華そば)', but as antipathy towards 支那 and 中華, which means China, grew (gain disapproval). It is said that the Japanese pronunciation was simply 'メン (ramen)'.




[영문 참고자료 사이트]





(sell like hot cakes)

(celebrates/marks the 60th anniversary of its first release)

(enjoy unprecedented global popularity)

(be converted into Korean won)

(for the first time in history)

(increase significantly every year)

(ninth consecutive year of achieving the highest export revenue)

(following year)

(entered the $6 million range)

(highest export amount)

(export destination)

(according to the trade statistics)

(be produced in overseas factories)

(gain sensational popularity)

(widespread popularity)

(complex background)

(play a decisive role)

(lick their lips)

(exceptionally spicy flavor)

(unique savor)

(stimulate their appetite)