[윤희영의 News English] 알츠하이머에 대한 오해와 진실
Misconceptions and Truth about Alzheimer
알츠하이머와 치매는 동의어가 아니다. 치매는 일련의 인지 장애를 지칭하는 포괄적 용어로, 200종류 이상이 있다. 그 중 가장 흔한 형태가 노인성 치매인 알츠하이머병이다. 1906년 독일의 정신과 의사이자 신경 병리학자인 알로이스 알츠하이머의 이름을 따서 명명됐다.
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are not synonyms. Dementia is an umbrella term for a series of cognitive impairments, and has over 200 different types. One of the most common types of it is senile dementia, Alzheimer disease. This term was named after Alost Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist and neuropathologist in 1906.
아직은 불치병이다 보니 일반적 오해나 잘못된 믿음이 많다. 알츠하이머는 단순한 노화 현상의 일부가 아니다. 간헐적 기억 상실 이상의 신경퇴행성 질병이다. 나이가 위험 인자이기는 하지만, 노인들에게만 유독 발생하는 건 아니다. 30대 나이에도 생길 수 있는 조기 발생 질환 중 하나다. 친부모가 겪었다고 자식들도 피할 수 없는 유전병은 아니다. 환경·생활양식 요인 등 다양한 변수가 한 몫 한다.
It is yet incurable condition, so there have been lots of common misconceptions or false beliefs. Alzheimer’s disease is not a simple part of aging. It is a neurodegenerative disease that causes more than just occasional memory loss. The aging, of course is, a risk factor, but it is not exclusive to the elderly. It is one of the early-onset condition that can occur even among 30s. It is not a genetic disorder, even though biological parents had gone through. Diverse variables, including environmental and lifestyle factors, play a role.
알츠하이머에 걸렸다고 주변 상황을 감지하지 못하는 건 아니다. 혼란을 겪거나 헷갈리기는 하지만 무슨 일이 어떻게 돌아가는지는 인식한다. 알아듣지 못할 것으로 여기고 아무 말이나 막 해서는 안 된다. 환자 본인에 관한 험한 말, 야단치는 것처럼 들리는 훈계는 마음에 큰 상처를 줄 수 있으니 절대 삼가야 한다. 기억 상실이 알츠하이머의 흔한 증상인 건 맞지만, 기억력이 조금 떨어진 것이 반드시 알츠하이머의 전조 현상인 것은 아니다. 스트레스, 피로, 우울함 등 다양한 요인들이 순간적인 기억력 저하를 초래할 수도 있다.
Alzheimer patients have the ability to sense their surroundings. Even though they become confused or disoriented, they can recognize how and what kind of things are going on. So, must not say anything as guessing they won’t understand. Harsh words about the patients or admonitions that sound like scolding can make a big scar to the patients, so must refrain from doing such a thing. Memory loss is also a common symptom, but a slight decline in memory doesn’t necessarily mean a precursor to Alzheimer’s. Various factors, such as stress, fatigue, depression, can cause momentary decline in memory.
영국 연구팀이 알츠하이머에 걸리는 과정을 조사한 끝에 내린 결론은 주목할 만하다. “연로한 부모님을 자주 찾아뵙는 것이 알츠하이머 위험을 낮춘다”는 것이다. 직계가족과의 믿음직스럽고 이해심 많은 관계가 인지력 쇠퇴를 억제하는 데 중요한 영향을 미친다고 한다.
One English research team made a theory after examine the process of falling victim to the Alzheimer disease, which research is worthy of notice. The research says “Visiting your elderly parents frequently reduces Alzheimer.” Reliable and understanding relationship with immediate family have a significant impact on curbing cognitive decline.
“힘이 돼줘라. 미소를 잃은 이에게는 당신의 미소를 줘라.” – 지그 지글러(미국 작가)
“Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give him one of yours.”
- Zig Ziglar (Something to smile about encouragement and inspiration for life’s ups and downs)
[영문 참조자료 사이트]
☞ https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/what-is-alzheimers/myths
☞ https://hr.harvard.edu/files/humanresources/files/november_2022_senior_sense.pdf?m=1666889812
☞ https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/11-myths-about-alzheimers-disease
(Alzheimer’s disease)
(umbrella term for a series of cognitive impairments)
(be named after him)
(incurable condition)
(common misconception)
(false belief)
(a part of aging)
(occasional memory loss)
(neurodegenerative disease)
(risk factor)
(be exclusive to the elderly)
(early-onset condition)
(biological parents)
(genetic disorder)
(environmental and lifestyle factors)
(diverse variables) (play a role)
(sense their surroundings)
(become confused or disoriented)
(sound like scolding)
(refrain from doing such a thing)
(common symptom)
(precursor to Alzheimer’s)
(fatigue) (depression)
(cause momentary decline in memory)
(fall victim to it)
(visit your elderly parents frequently)
(reliable and understanding relationship with immediate family)
(curb cognitive decline)
(have a significant impact on it)
There are many common misconceptions and false beliefs due to it still being an incurable disease.
Alzheimer’s disease is not just a simple part of aging. It is a neurodegenerative disease that goes beyond intermittent.
While aging is a risk factor, it is not a condition that exclusively affects the elderly.
It is one of the early-onset conditions that can occur even among people in their 30s.
Being diagnosed with Alzheimer's does not render someone unable to be aware of their environment.
They can understand the nature and type of activities happening around them.
therefore one must not say anything speak thoughtlesslyas thinking they won’t understand.
The conclusion reached by a British research team after examining the process of falling victim to the Alzheimer disease,
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